Your employer has a duty to protect you and tell you about health and safety issues that affect you. They must also report certain accidents and incidents, pay you sick pay and give you time off because of an accident at work should you need it.
Reporting an accident at work:
Your employer must report serious work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous incidents. They must report:
Death, major injuries, a broken arm or ribs for example: dangerous incidents like the collapse of scaffolding, people overcome by gas any other injury that stops an employee from doing their normal work for more than three days.
The reporting must be done by your employer, but if you’re involved it’s a good idea to make sure it’s been reported.
Who is responsible for health and safety at work?
Your employer has to carry out a risk assessment and do what’s needed to take care of the health and safety of employees and visitors. This includes deciding how many first aiders are needed and what kind of first aid equipment and facilities should be provided.
Workers’ compensation insurance is a type of insurance purchased by employers for the coverage of employment-related injuries and illnesses.
What is workers’ compensation or workman’s compensation?
Workers’ compensation insurance, often called “workers comp,” is a state-mandated program consisting of payments required by law to be made to an employee who is injured or disabled in connection with work. The federal government does offer its own workers’ compensation insurance for federal employees, but every individual state has its own workers’ compensation insurance program. We can help you! Call us 210-615-0400 o Visit us at 4801 Fredericksburg Rd. Suite A, San Antonio Tx. 78229.